Beloved Preparations_Gallery Mockup.jpg


Beneath the thick background layer of this piece are textual notes and gestures of encouragement to the buyer. Hours of work went into this step in the process, and upon completion of the background I scrapped all the paint - I wasn’t satisfied. But instead of tossing the materials altogether, the discarded paint was gathered, mixed again, and applied to the canvas. The resulting background provided the perfect foundation to begin a new creation. It became apparent to me that this journey was meant to mirror the buyers’, who had decided to take the difficulties of the past and build a foundation for the future. They chose to embrace and love every part of their story, and use it as fuel to move forward. With a nod to the scripture it is inspired by, this composition responds to unfathomable love - the kind of love you can stand upon in the harshest of seasons. Just because we cannot always hear or see it, does not negate the truth which we can feel in our souls. We, the beloved, are being prepared for better days ahead.

Acrylic on canvas, applied to wood

54 x 30" x 3"


reference for commission: